Blu's Cave


You may call me Blu, I'm 22 yo and this is my little cave in the inmensiveness that is the internet nowadays; I plan to use this place to practice my code while I keep track of my interest, proyects, and why not use it as a blog from time to time. Principally this is a place made by myself for myself, but feel welcome to check it out if you feel curious enough. That being said, enjoy your stay!

  • [09/09/2024]

    First update of all time yay

  • [day/month/year]

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsam voluptate commodi voluptates ex. Explicabo, autem?

  • Batch #1
    0/0 Completed

    - Create the about page

    - Create the shrines home page

    - Create the wishlist page

    - Create the games page

    - Create the blog page